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Friday, November 2, 2012

Welcome to the New Blog

Welcome friends (i.e. myself and no one). I've thought so many times about starting a blog to tell funny stories, air my dirty laundry, and express the joys and frustrations of being a parent to young children. It can be isolating to be at home all day with three littles, so I wanted to reach out to people like me and remind us all that while this life can be so incredibly difficult, isn't it great?? Even if it's hard to remember sometimes, it is.

Allow me to introduce myself. I have three kids under three years old. I know, right? What in the crap was I thinking? Well, the first two were a surprise and came barrelling into this world together, and they have changed my life more than I ever knew children could. They are identical twins Evangeline (henceforth known as E) and Hazel (henceforth known as H, you get it) who are currently two years old. And "cute", they would have you know.

The third addition was totally planned, my sweet little two month old named Jude. I have always been one to choose the more painful but also quicker approach, as opposed to a long and drawn out but less intense option...hence my decision to have my children close together in age and just get it done already. Though painful it sometimes is, I know that I will be happy to have them all close in age...eventually. For now it is CRAZYPANTS. And I love it.

As a young mom I find that I have a lot of friends who are still unmarried and childless, doing things that seem incredibly glamorous and fun. Like showering. Wearing skinny jeans. And not driving minivans (just kidding I feel bad for them that they aren't driving minivans, because minivans are awesome). It's hard to relate to someone who can go shopping by themselves for HOURS at a time and not have to stick their boob in someone's mouth. Parenting is such a unique and, let's face it, insane thing that some of us are doing that it can separate us almost totally from everything else. It also completely changes our mindset about life in general. For example, I attempted to suck snot out of my baby's nose yesterday WITH MY MOUTH. I hardly thought twice about it. No bulb syringe? No problem. Lung power to the rescue! I can imagine the look on my childless friends faces if I told them this. Actually, I think my friends with children may feel strongly about this one, too...

My point is, being a parent is a gamechanger and the more we can laugh about all of the crazy stuff that we do to make our kids happy (and the stuff that they do to make us crazy) the more we can try to not sweat the small stuff and enjoy the journey.

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