I haven't written in ages, so grab a cup of coffee because this is a long one!
Let me tell you about this morning…
So, I woke up to Jude fussing at 5:55am. Toddlers, right? No respect for my late night Netflix watching. It was dark outside, I hadn’t been able to fall asleep until around
midnight, and after a few fitful hours of sleep I was being awoken by an upset
two year old. My head started pounding. I was already thinking, “I can get
through this day” and it had only just started.
A few hours later, I started my daily struggle with Hazel
over obedience and lying. It wasn’t even 9am and I was absolutely at my
breaking point. In fact, I broke. Something snapped, the building caved in, I yelled, I cried, I BEGGED them to just be
good, just stop lying, just obey our rules, please please please. Stop making
things so hard for me, stop making every single thing in my life a struggle.
Because that is how I have been feeling lately. That Every
Single Thing, everything, is hard. Making a meal, doing laundry, getting people
dressed, doing art, writing an email, making a phone call, preparing for
church, taking care of animals, getting out the door, saving money, fixing
things, having patience with my kids, getting anything accomplished…HARD. I
feel like every day I am walking up a mountain and my kids are on top of me and
pulling at me and crying at me, and it’s raining and the ground is slippery,
and I’m dragging a house and jobs and responsibilities up the muddy slope and
the only one with me is…me. I’m doing it all alone. Chad is on the other side
of the mountain dragging his own responsibilities, his own jobs, and house
repairs, and ideas for church that he doesn’t have time to finish, a car that
only barely works, school loans…you get the idea.
But you know the hard part? God gave us all of this. Chad’s
regular job, his job at our church, our home, our children, my art, my job at
the church (I'm the children's director)…it’s all good. It’s all SO good, and I love every piece. But
each piece piled on top of us is starting to crush us, and I am feeling the
effects physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Can the weight of so many wonderful gifts make them burdens?
And so this morning, I broke under it all. Just the simple,
everyday act of a 4-year-old's defiance brought me to a scarily low place. Satan
expertly used every good thing to crush me, and I let him because I was just
too tired to fight.
As soon as I dropped the kids off at preschool, I got onto
Facebook to ask someone advice for what to do for stress, and I saw a post on
my wall from a girl I barely know. She’s is an old acquaintance from church
when I was a kid, and just read what she had to say to me:
“I know your
day faces challenges, but even through your posts, you overcome them. Be
encouraged today God is opening up some amazing doors for you and Chad. Your
faithfulness even through the tight places has been a witness even to your
family and incredible breakthrough is right around the corner!”
I had told no
one about my tough day, or what I’ve been going through lately. I didn’t tell
her how everything in my spiritual and emotional cup was gone and how I was
starting to feel like a marathoner runner whose been running for way too long
and can’t find the finish line. I haven’t even been talking to her at all, but
her heart is so close to God’s that He used her to speak to me.
This was minutes,
MINUTES after I felt totally, utterly crushed and abandoned.
So I drove away
to start my errands, crying, feeling…I don’t even know what. Noticed by God?
That she had somehow opened a door between me and God to start a serious
conversation about what’s been going on, and how He gave me too many
responsibilities, but that I know He appointed them for me, and how I need
serious help and encouragement and…hope.
And I said to
Him, “It’s TOO MUCH. I know that it is all good, but I need help! I shouldn’t
be doing this all on my own! Why did you trust me with this? DIDN’T YOU KNOW I
And He didn’t
really say anything. I didn’t give Him much of a chance really, I was just sort
of spewing out my feelings and by the time I was done I was parked in front of
Michael's and instead of sitting in the car like I should have and listening to
Him, or being still for a minute, I just got out of the car and pretended like I
hadn’t just been crying for 15 minutes straight and walked in to Michael’s to
forget about everything for a while.
Ha! God
probably laughed at that.
About twenty
minutes into my attempt to numb my mind, I passed by a group of three people
(my age, two guys and a girl) and one of them smiled at me. No big deal. A few
minutes later I passed by them again. They came up to me, and the girl started
a conversation. It went sort of like this:
Her: Hi! We’re
on a sort of scavenger hunt for God this morning, and we feel like God wants us
to pray for you.
Me: (instant awkward
ugly crying face) (can’t talk, too emotional) “….Um, Hi.”
So right there
in the middle of Michael’s, these amazing people prayed for me. I told them
about how Chad and I are involved in a church plant, and how much work we’re
doing all of the time, and how we need God to sustain us because we’re doing a
terrible job of that on our own, and how I’ve started to feel like my life is
just going to be this long series of hard days of scraping together, of
struggling all of the time. A tough tough tough life forever and ever with only
tiny bits of rest and peace and hope.
And friend, just read
what they spoke over me:
“There are so
many blessings in small beginnings, and every big thing starts small. I pray
that Andrea would not be discouraged but excited by the amazing things that You
are going to do because of her obedience.”
“I pray that
her children would feel such love, such security, even though mom and dad are
busy. That they would know how much they are loved, how special they are.”
“Andrea, you
are His treasure. He sees you, He delights in you, He loves you so much.”
“God, I pray for
hope for her, that she would be able to feel Your hope and your sustaining
love, every day.”
“I pray that
you would reveal part of the painting of her life to her, so that she could see
just enough and rest.”
I hadn't told them I felt hopeless, or like I’m a bad mother, or that I’m so fearful that all
of my work is going to amount to nothing. Here are three people I don’t know,
four including the facebook friend who sent me a message this morning, praying
through each one of my fears and doubts. And this was twenty minutes after I
cried out to Him, “I feel so alone!” And God was like, "Nope. And I'm going to prove it."
He keeps
pursuing me. Sometimes I want to turn around and say, “Why ME? Can’t you find
someone else to do your work, to do all of this, someone who is more competent
and more spiritual and more everything good and wonderful that I’m not?”
And then He
sends me encouragement from a stranger, because He knew it would make me
If all of that
wasn’t enough, this Steven Curtis Chapman song was on the radio when I got in
the car:
‘Cause I know this is not
Anything like you thought
The story of your life was gonna be
And it feels like the end has started closing in on you
But it’s just not true
There’s so much of the story that’s still yet to unfold
And this is going to be a glorious unfolding
Just you wait and see and you will be amazed
You’ve just got to believe the story is so far from over
So hold on to every promise God has made to us
And watch this glorious unfolding
Anything like you thought
The story of your life was gonna be
And it feels like the end has started closing in on you
But it’s just not true
There’s so much of the story that’s still yet to unfold
And this is going to be a glorious unfolding
Just you wait and see and you will be amazed
You’ve just got to believe the story is so far from over
So hold on to every promise God has made to us
And watch this glorious unfolding
What I needed to hear was the hope part: that there is more to come. Where I am now isn't where I'll be forever. It isn't so much knowing that I can only see one part of the tapestry, the painting of my life and that someday I'll see it all. It's knowing that the painting is beautiful, in spite of me.
But this
message isn’t just for me. He knows that I’m a talker and a sharer and that I
couldn’t possibly keep this in. I started writing this blog post as soon as I
got home, because this is what we all need to hear from time to time.
You are not
alone. God’s family, which is your family, is so big that there are people praying for
you that you haven’t even met. There is a web of love and support and power and
prayer all around you.
He sees you. He
loves you. He is pursuing you. He won't stop.
You are His Treasure.
It’s not over.
It’s still unfolding. Hang on to His promises.
God has called
you to something. It might be hard, an uphill battle. He doesn’t make things
easy, He just sustains us through the tough stuff. He supplies our every need,
and that includes hope, endurance, encouragement, and rest.
I totally get this. I've been feeling this way too for quite awhile. Just too much to do, so many things and it all feels like too much. God speaks to me too when I start feeling that way. By the way, I came here because of your video. If you can make something as awesome as that, I was sure you probably had a blog. I'm reading your back posts and enjoying them all. :)
Somehow I found this right when I needed it. I stumbled across your Can't stop parody again, and I adore that video. I started looking for a Facebook or a blog for your family because that video is so awesome and adorable, and I came across this post.
And it was like it was written for me. Thank you for putting this out there.
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